
提摩太凱勒 講道




Timothy Keller 2021.12.05

I have Stage IV pancreatic cancer. But it is endlessly comforting to have a God who is both infinitely more wise and more loving than I am. He has plenty of good reasons for everything he does and allows that I cannot know, and therein is my hope and strength.

Please pray! I know having a God who is beyond our comprehension (esp regarding evil and suffering) is more of a spiritual strength than it is an intellectual problem.

Timothy Keller(提摩太·凱勒)是救贖主長老教會(位於紐約曼哈頓市)的創建者和曾經的主任牧師(已退休)、福音聯盟(The Gospel Coalition)的聯合創始人暨副主席。(福音聯盟中文連結)